FRANK LLOYD WRIGHTS SOLUTIONS FOR MAKING SMALL HOUSES FEEL BIG by Diane Maddex (Author) ★小さなお家を広々と心地よく済むための、フランクロイド建築からのヒントが、美しい写真とともに詰まった一冊です。設計の参考に、また普遍デザインの散策にいかがでしょう 【内容紹介】Amazonより 「Offering insight into the famous architects career-long focus on small, moderate-budget houses, a tour of his small-house designs includes coverage of such structures as the Stockman House, a recently restored Prairie house based on his "Fireproof House for $5,000" design, and the Peterson Cottage. 」 ■Publisher :Harry N. Abrams; First Edition (November 25, 2003) ■Language: English ■Hardcover : 160 pages ■Price:$35.00 *個人保管の中古品でありますこと、ご了承ください *商品紹介と画像の一部は、Amazonより転載させていただきました